G6PD Deficiency Testing at Intra-V for Optimal Health
The Woodlands, TX | Katy, TX
This test measures the levels of Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase (G6PD) in your blood, which is a naturally occurring Enzyme that protects red blood cells from Oxidative Stress.
Essentially, G6PD helps red blood cells (RBCs) function normally. It also helps protect RBCs from potentially harmful byproducts that can collect as the result of certain medications or from fighting off infection. The body's lack of G6PD may cause red blood cells to be more vulnerable to breaking down in a process called hemolysis.
G6PD deficiency is inherited, passed from parent to child, due to mutations or changes in the G6PD gene that cause decreased enzyme activity. Since men have one X and one Y sex chromosome, their single X chromosome carries the G6PD gene. This may result in a G6PD deficiency if a male inherits the single X chromosome with an altered gene.
Since women have two X sex chromosomes, they inherit two copies of the G6PD gene. Women with only one mutated gene (heterozygous) produce enough G6PD that they usually do not experience any symptoms (i.e., asymptomatic), but under situations of stress, they may demonstrate a mild form of the deficiency.
Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) enzyme testing is used to screen for G6PD deficiencies. A low level of G6PD enzyme indicates a deficiency. An affected person is more likely to experience symptoms when exposed to a trigger.
At INTRA|V we require that our client get a G6PD Blood Test before our High Dose Vitamin C Infusion as a screening tool in order to minimize risk of damage to red blood cells that are more vulnerable in individuals with G6PD deficiency.